co-founder, Mark Bullock, provides pointers on how to relate to your video audience so you’re actually speaking to them and not to a camera.

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Are you relatable when you’re recording videos and should you even worry about it?

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

And the fact of the matter is, of course, you have information that you want to provide to your audience. You have concepts and ideas that you want to get across and really you probably want them to take some sort of action — to go to your website or download an article or maybe to call you. But why are they going to do that if they’re not going to consume the content? Well, why wouldn’t they consume the content? Well, they might not consume the content if you just are doing exactly what I was saying — delivering information.

People need to be able to relate to you and if they can relate to you, like you’re having a conversation with them instead of having a conversation with a camera, having a conversation with somebody that’s going to be watching that video in the future. They want to get… they want to get that you get them. They want to understand… they want you to understand where they’re coming from.

And so, using stories, using questions like, ‘Maybe you feel like blah, blah, blah. Maybe you find yourself in the following situation, as an example. So, there’s lots of ways, but think of however you have a conversation with another person across the desk that you’ve related to , that you feel that they’ve related to you, well then, that’s the way to think. Realize that it’s not a machine, it’s not an audience, it’s people — individuals that are going to be watching your content and as such, use gestures, use your facial expressions, use suggestions, use stories to help them know that you understand what it is that they’re going through in their situation in whatever topic you’re addressing.

Hope you found that valuable. I get … excuse me. I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and . And if you did find it valuable, there’s lots more at . Take care.