Nervous about being on camera? Most of us are! co-founder, Mark Bullock, shares how he got over his fear of public speaking 35 years ago but still gets nervous when recording on camera. Watch the video to learn how he overcame the past fear and how he works through nervousness today.

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Do you find yourself a little nervous about being on camera, especially if what you record is going to end up on social media like YouTube?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and and I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. I started my public speaking career 35 years ago and got trained initially through Toastmasters. And 35 years later, I’ve done hundreds of presentations up to several hundred people in the room and I’ve done close to 500 videos and I still get nervous.

Now, before you move along and turn off this video, if that was your initial reaction or your initial thought, I’d like you to watch through to the end because it does get a lot more comfortable over time, and it gets a lot more comfortable with practice, and most importantly, it makes it possible if you have an audience, or you have others that you’re speaking to instead of that inanimate object.

The key for me is the understanding that you’re either going to get to the point that you can be comfortable in front of a camera, or you’re going to get comfortable with being uncomfortable in front of the camera. Doesn’t sound like a lot of fun. Can’t say that it particularly was early on for me. But what I attached to is the value that I’m bringing to the person on the other side of that camera or is in the audience that I’m speaking to. In other words, I don’t make it about me, I make it about them. I’m willing to practice. I’m willing to be uncomfortable, and over time it’s way, way, way, way less than it used to be. And the feedback that I get, because I record all of my videos in front of an audience in our Videosocials Club, I always get feedback. I always hear how it lands, what value that the others that watch me record it received. So even if I put it out on Youtube, even if I don’t get a comment, which I often do, but even if I don’t get a comment or two on my videos on YouTube, as an example, I know that the people that watched it got value.

So, I encourage you, if you’re nervous about being on camera, guess what — most people are. Even if you’ve done it many times, come let us help you — support you in that, and give you feedback that encourages you, that supports you, and gives you tips for how you might get a little better as time goes by. Come join us — and click on the Guests tab. We’d love to… We’d love to have you, we’d love to meet you, and we’d love for you to explore the possibility of not being uncomfortable on camera, as well as reducing that uncomfortableness enough so that you can get comfortable with the idea that — yeah, you’re going to get a little nervous sometimes.

Again, Mark Bullock, co-founder of — Have a great day.