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Choose to be generous and it will have a positive effect on both you and your audience. In this video, and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, explains how ensuring that your video content is providing value to your audience will transform how they perceive you as a professional and subject matter expert and will free you to be your authentic self rather than focusing on unimportant details.


Did you know that generosity sells? Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with and What on earth could I be talking about?

Well, the basic premise of personal branding is that you put content out there that’s valuable for somebody else and then by them consuming that content and say, ‘Gee, this is valuable to me. Wow, maybe this person really knows what they’re talking about and gee, why don’t I contact them and see if they can help me with my issue, concern or problem.’

So that’s the logic of it. But there’s an emotional side to it, too. And that is, if you’re if you’re being generous — if your mindset as you’re delivering that content — whether it be written or whether it be in video — is to be generous, to try to help people and to make that information available because you’re trying to help people, well, your mindset’s a little bit different. Your energy is a little bit different. It makes you more attractive. It makes you… and I’m not talking about physically attractive. I’m talking about attractive in attracting potential clients. So keep that in mind when you’re giving things away.

If you notice whatever you’ve read, whatever you’ve watched on YouTube, etc. , if your perception is that, ‘gee, this is generous. Oh that’s really helpful. I really like that. That helps me right now.’ That is what you’re after, because that takes their guard down and their concern over you trying to sell them something.

Jeffrey Gitomer wrote a book several years ago called ‘Little Red Book of Selling ‘ and he said that people in the sales world, people hate to be sold, but they love to buy. And I think this is a little bit of that on the underpinnings of that, because if someone is not feeling like they’re being sold — like they’re being pushed at and they’re receiving something that is valuable to them, that’s the Holy Grail, because that takes down the barriers and then one other little bonus if you are doing it in video, if you’re being truly generous, you know that you’re being generous and it allows you to let go of a little bit of perfectionism that you may still have left in, ‘oh, I got a little bobble in my voice or I lost my place or I forgot the water bottle on the table behind me or something like that, right? So these little things your audience really does not care if what they’re receiving as they’re consuming, whatever the content is that you’ve created is generous towards them.

Again Mark with and Hope you found that valuable.