co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains why longer-form content that engages other professionals in industries that complement yours is the key to growing an audience that will pay attention to you on a regular basis. 

Watch the video to learn more and go into a deep dive into this subject at our special Zoom networking event for Podcasters, Live Streamers & YouTube show hosts on Dec 9th (Thurs) at 1pm Eastern. Learn more and register here:

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So, why would you want subscribers and how do you get them?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and

And we’ve been working for years to help people create content, both in text, audio, and video to get out there to become branded experts in what they do, and to let the world around them know about them and the value that they bring. That’s I’m going to say the base level. That’s what you basically have to — just like you have to have a website, you have to have a social media presence, you have to have content — you have to be a creator in order for that to happen. But what’s the next level?

The next level is getting an audience that is paying attention to you on a regular basis so that you don’t fall out of mind so that you don’t basically fall off the radar screen. And in addition to that to go a little bit deeper. And so, what am I talking about?

I’m talking about you doing longer-form videos and longer-form content that goes deeper into… goes deeper into a subject. And equally importantly is that you don’t do it on your own — that you engage others.

Look, if you’re going to sit and do a livestream or you’re going to sit and do a Q & A, etc. so that you can have longer-form content for your audience, for those that you want to engage with you and you want to have as subscribers, that’s terrific.

But where the rubber really hits the road is when you can have a conversation with another professional that’s in synergistic alignment with your business and you can talk about issues, you can work through problems and concerns, and let’s face it, our best ideas often come out of conversations with others, especially the conversations with others that have an understanding of our business and what our model is about and you having an understanding of where they’re coming from. That conversation — an interview — is something that’s very attractive to those that have an interest in that topic, and it gives them something longer form than that two or three-minute to read or on video or podcast to work with.

So, there’s a lot of logistics in this and we’re developing a process by which we can help you with those logistics. But I really want you thinking about — how do I start creating a longer form, more engaging bit of content that I can produce on a regular basis and many of our Videosocials clients are actually already doing this. Doing weekly live streams as an example or doing monthly live streams. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be live, but that’s certainly a great option, as well.

I hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s lots more at Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of . Have a great day.