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From the video... and Co-Founder Mark Bullock explains how important your energy level is in your videos and how recording them at a Videosocials club helps with that.


Have you ever heard the phrase enthusiasm sells? Well, it’s never been more appropriate than when you’re recording videos.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock on the Co-founder of and at . And what I wanted to bring across today was we always give feedback based on energy, appearance, structure, etc. but we start with energy for that very reason. Because what energy you project, the enthusiasm that you have for whatever it is that you’re saying will cover a myriad of issues or slight imperfections, etc .

People want to be inspired. They want to feel energy. They want to feel that you are excited about whatever it is that you have to say. Here’s the thing though: it has to be authentic, right? So what’s the difference between pretending and acting as if? Right?

So people go to school for years to learn how to act, whether that be for whatever production that may come about — whatever field that they’re following, but basically it’s taking on, generating something that’s real, something that’s authentic versus something that is pretending, right? So, I could pretend that, you know, I had a bad day, you know. I could also have had a bad day and I can pretend that I had a really good day. In other words, you can kind of fake smile it. You can kind of, you know, pretend like, you know, everything is okay.

Put yourself in the space, take a moment and you join your Videosocials meeting, take a moment to center yourself. Take a moment to enjoy what else you’re seeing going on and other people that are doing well, as an example.

So, what you may have noticed in many Videosocials members, excuse me in many of our meetings, is that the members bring each other up. In other words, the energy that’s there when somebody starts to get enthusiastic, that energy, you know, brings across, and then the person whose last has got the benefit of all this, shall we say, rising tide, because all of the extraneous stuff that’s happened in your day, or that’s happened in your, in the last hour before you just started to record is off to the wayside. Your focus is there.

So the secret to being enthusiastic is to be present. In other words, be in the meeting. Put your focus on what’s going on, what other people are doing and what you have to say, and think about ‘how can I be authentically enthusiastic about what I have to say?’

I hope you found that tip valuable. Again, Mark with and . And you’ll find this and many other tips at Have a great day.