Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains why you need to make sure your website is full of any piece of information your prospective clients may need in advance of meeting you for the first time. If your competitors have it on their website, you better have it on yours.

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Where do your prospects go to get the basic, general information that they need to be able to proceed to have a conversation with you, a consult with you, to engage your services?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and . And today we had a meeting with… and one of our members presented, and — now you need to understand some context here — this is someone that is at the top of their game. They are brilliant at what they do. They are very successful at what they do. And they presented on a topic that they knew well. But in that topic and in… towards the end, they suggested that their prospective clients Google information to get what they needed in order to show up for the consult, whatever the next level of engagement was. And I just thought to myself NO, DON’T DO THAT!

Why would you send your prospects somewhere else? You’re the expert. You’re the person that they need to get that information from. So, it needs to be on your website.

A separate view of the same topic: I’ve had people for years say, ‘Well, I don’t really want to do blog posts, FAQ answers, articles, videos about things that… it’s all out there on the internet. All of my competitors have that information on their website.’ Of course, they do. Why would you send to your competitors — your prospects to your competitors to get the information that they need to proceed with you?

Have your website — don’t be afraid of having a lot of content. Have a ton of content. Everything that your prospects need to know, just make sure that it’s organized, and it’s structured in such a way that they can easily consume it. But don’t make them have to go someplace else to get the information they need to work with you. Make sure you have everything that they need to work with you on your website, in your social media profiles, on your YouTube channel.

Hope you found that valuable. If you did, come as a guest to Videosocials. The best place to go is, and if you’re just looking for more information or more knowledge about how all this works, Hope you found that valuable. Take care. Mark with Videosocials .