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From the video...

“My lighting is weird today.” “I’m not perfectly centered.” “There’s a glare in the top corner of my glasses.” Sound familiar? Don’t let small details like these prevent you from recording your video. and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, asks you to put yourself in the shoes of your audience who care far more about receiving quality content than watching a perfectly shot video.


Hi, Mark Bullock again with and and today is just a quick tip about lighting because, as you can tell from this video, mine sucks today. So why am I doing a recording when my lighting sucks? Well, I wanted you to see that you can still produce a video that people want to watch and will watch and will consume and will appreciate, even if all the conditions aren’t perfect.

What am I talking about? Well, how do you have a perfectly visual representation? You start out with, let go of the webcams. Let go of the laptop cameras and put in a real SLR — digital SLR or video camera that’s designed for professionals, as well as professional light boxes and lighting etc. Are you going to do that? Of course not. You spend thousands of dollars, and for what?

You’re not a YouTuber. If you… even if you are a YouTuber, you don’t necessarily need to have the best of the best.

What I wanted to bring across was, I’ve got a lighting issue. It’s annoying the crap out of me. I will figure it out and move forward. But I’m not going to figure it out by investing thousands of dollars into special cameras and lights. I’m going to figure it out to work with what I’ve got and what’s available to me, because I have to put myself in the shoes of my other Videosocials members that aren’t really — aren’t ready or willing or need to make that kind of investment.

But in the meantime, I know that what I have to say and what I can bring across to make a difference for you and can help you to realize that your audience is not concerned with — not really — concerned with ‘Are you crystal clear?

Are you perfectly centered? Is the camera… is there a little bit of glare in your glasses in the corner, etc? These are little things that we, being our own worst critics, find annoying and find that we want to resolve.

Of course, we don’t want to distract our audience. At the same token, we want to provide quality of content and the authentic… authentic… the authentic representation of ourselves and our content or audience.

So even if you come to Videosocials and something is just not working out right, give it a good go. Give it a good practice because whatever that little annoying thing is that’s that’s bothering you might not be as annoying as you think it is, and it’s far better to get it out there and have it be a little less than perfect. It just makes you that much more real and get one in the bandwagon to get your video posted and just start seeing the results of getting your videos out there.

Again Mark, . Hope you found that valuable and have a great day.