Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains why it’s important to provide the actual URL of where you want your audience to go at the end of your videos rather than just telling them in the video. Watch the video to learn why and tips on how.

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Where do you want your viewers to go after they watch your video?

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and and I’ve discussed this on other videos, but I really wanted to bring one specific point home.

You definitely want to give your viewers a place to go after they watch your video. So, what is… what does that entail?

Well, your website is certainly an option, but it’s far better to give a specific link to go. So, think about it. Somebody watches your video, and they watch it all the way through, which is not always the case on social media, but they watch it all the way through, and then you’ve got a long website address, or you’ve got, you know, a phone number to call you. Nothing wrong with either one except for people just aren’t going to type it in to the browser window and go there.

So, this is the critical point — leave them a link. Let them know in the video that you’re leaving them a link below in the description, or if you embed that video on your website as an example, or it’s in… it’s going on social media directly… uploading to Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., make sure that you give them a link.

And if you do use one of those tiny URLs, those compressed links, make sure that you give a text description of what that link is taking them to. Don’t just give them a tiny URL , because if you do, it’s suspicious. They don’t know where they’re going when they’re clicking on that. Even if they like what you had to say. Even if you told them that was a link that you put there, there’s a suspicion that comes with the tiny URLs . But with the longer URLs, you know, your website / blog / X Y Z, they just aren’t gonna type all that in. So, you need to give them that address as a link so that they can click on it. Far more likely they’re just going to click on a link than they are to go either searching for your website, trying to type everything in, or even searching for you on the internet.

I hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’re lots more at . And again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of Have a great day.