co-founder, Mark Bullock, provides some tips to take into consideration regarding hand gesturing on camera.

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So how much gestures and/or animation should you use when you’re creating videos?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and And the answer to that may surprise you, because the entire precept — the entire reason for creating a video — at least the ones that we do with Videosocials — is to be able to connect to your audience — to have a conversation with them or at least to have your audience feel like you’re having a conversation with them.

So, the answer to the question is — when you’re having a conversation with one person across the desk from you, do you use hand gestures? Are you animated? Do you move around a bit? Are you big and bold in your gestures? Whatever the answer to the question is for one is the same answer to the question for many. In other words, you be you. It has to do with you being authentic to how you communicate, and be aware of the frame that you’re in.

So, I’m a gestures person, as you can tell. So, I use my gestures but I’ve trained myself to keep my gestures in the frame of the video rather than having them pop up from underneath or going off screen, as an example. So, I’m also somewhat animated with my face, but I’m not big and bold. You know, I’m not… I don’t have exaggerated gestures. Some people do and if that’s their style, then that’s what they should do. I do what works for me and what I would be doing as far as my body language for a conversation with one other person.

So, that’s the way to think about it. If you’re thinking that you’re on stage with 1000 viewers — well, nobody really wants to be in the audience of 1000 viewers when it comes to watching a video. They want to be the one that you’re having a conversation with, which is just another way of thinking about it.

There’s lots more tips like this at And again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of Video. Have a great day.