co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains why you should have at least two call-to-actions memorized and ready to go at all times to use at the end of your videos. Without giving your audience an action to do after they’re done watching, you’re going to lose them. Watch the video for more details and more suggestions of easy call-to-actions to use.

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Do you have to have a call-to-action at the end of every video?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co -founder of and

And no, of course, you don’t have to have a call-to-action. And I’m going to suggest that you have at least two, memorized and on your mind. Why is that? Because you really want to have a call-to-action at the end of your video.

If you don’t tell the person watching your video what you want them to do at the end of watching that video, they’re just gonna scroll on, going to the next video, going to the next piece of content, go on with their lives, etc . because even if they have the intent of doing something — ‘Oh, that was really helpful’ — if you don’t engage them in a next step of some kind, you’re… the chances of you basically going out of existence as soon as they’re done, it goes through the roof.

Whereas, you’ve got that opportunity, whether it be subscribe to your YouTube channel, whether it be sign up for your newsletter, whether it be check out this other piece of content that I have — I have a blog post, I have another video, I have something else for you to take a look at.

So, if you have a repository of your content, whether that be a blog, again, a YouTube channel, something like that. Maybe it’s you want them to connect with you on LinkedIn. Maybe it’s to come ‘like’ your page on whatever social media platform that it has. Have them do something that’s quick and easy. So, don’t just tell them to contact you. There’s nothing wrong with, if they’re ready to contact you, terrific. But always assume that this piece of content that you put out, whether it be an audio, a video, a text blog, whatever the case may be, may be the only thing that they ever see or have ever seen from you. And so, they’re a stranger to you. You’re a stranger to them. And maybe whatever your content was that you created for them that time, might help draw them a little bit closer, but ask them to take a step and that’s, rather than pick up the phone, that’s a huge step. That’s the whole staircase, in fact, right? So, give them a small step. Again, subscribe, like, connect, whatever it may be, so that they can do some small step to help them remember you, and remember the value that they received from watching your video in the first place.

And the reason why I’m coming back to what I opened with, the reason why I want you to have two is you want to have a ‘Pat’ whatever. If I forget, or I don’t have something specific today that I’m creating this video, have that ‘Pat’ answer, whether that be — in my case, it’s , which is where all the rest of my videos are. So, I always have that in my back pocket so that if I don’t have something else that I’m specifically promoting, or I’m specifically trying to get them to, so you have that ‘Pat’ answer, that ‘Pat,’ predetermined call-to-action.

And if you have something going on that is special or that is unique to this video, or you have a follow -up article or something like that, then you can replace that ‘Pat’ answer with your more current or up-to-the-minute kind of call-to-action . So, please close with a call-to-action.

Again, mine is and again, I’m Mark Bullock, co-founder of Hope you found that valuable, and have a great day.