Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net:

We’re still in the early phases of experimenting with Videosocials and we’ve had a number of meetings; maybe 20-25 people that have been participating in our experiment.

One of the things that keeps coming up for me is the creativeness that I see amongst the members that are experimenting and trying out things that I might not ever do. Whether it be from a car, or having a TV in the background, or being in a public place. All of which are areas that you would never really want to experiment with, necessarily, if you’re paying thousands of dollars for a video crew to come in and shoot a video. You don’t want to take those chances.

So, one of the things that I really hadn’t anticipated was the ability for people to experiment in ways, and with different types of backgrounds, or different environments, different situations, different devices that they’re recording from, but they’re really jumping on that opportunity to see… well maybe this will work… or maybe that will work… in a way that you just frankly wouldn’t do if you were hiring a video crew to come out to do something becuase potentially you’d be wasting thousands of dollars and hours and hours of time.

And so, I’m just really encouraged with, and want to encourage others who are experimenting with this to truly do that. Do experiment! Why not? The worst that can happen is you end up with a recording that you got a good practice session out of but is maybe not usable for your… that particular blog.

Anyway, nothing particularly profound other than an appreciation for the creativeness of our growing community of Videosocials members. Again, Mark Bullock with Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net. Check it out! It might be something that can help you get past your fear of public speaking or fear of being on camera.

Take care.