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If you’ve been creating content for a while and now, you’re wondering, ‘Okay, when I’m doing videos or I’m doing a blog post or I’m doing a podcast, it’s a one -time thing, and let’s get it out there…’ and you’re not referencing that library that you’ve created, I think you’re missing an opportunity.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, I’m the co-founder of and of . And what I’m talking about is if you have created a library — and that might be a dozen articles, or a dozen videos, or it could be hundreds — you’re really missing the boat if you don’t get the following principle, and that is is that, when you’re asking somebody to reach out to you for a consult or to engage with you in some way, you’re asking them to make a big step.

And whatever piece of content that you’re putting out there, if they have the opportunity to learn a little bit more — well, that allows them to take a step at a time up the staircase of reaching out to you.

So, how do you set up your library of content in a way that’s most valuable to your audience?

I’ll give you an idea of how not to do it. It’s the way that I’ve been doing it, which is to say, ‘go to my blog,’ right? So, and that has literally 300+ videos that are there. I could also send you to, and the blog there has 200, 300 individual blog articles. But that’s a whole lot of library. That’s a whole lot of content. That’s overwhelming for people.

So, the best way to do it is to find a way to organize it in a way that’s topic -driven — that if they have an interest in a particular topic that you’ve done, what other topics have you done on that same topic and organize them in some way. So, if you’re doing video, the easiest way to do that is with something called playlists. In other words, on your YouTube channel, you can organize your content into those playlists, and then when you do a new topic and it… and you want to reference that, you can literally give them the address — the U R L of that specific YouTube playlist.

Another way to do it is in your blog itself, but with the instructions of ‘When you get to my blog, search for the following phrase’ as an example. So, you can use categories and you can use tags. You could use the search function built into your blog to allow them to find information on that particular content so that they’re looking at two or three or four pieces of content instead of potentially hundreds.

And then, you know, the bonus tip I guess you could say, is to create a knowledge base, and that’s basically software that you would install into your website blog, so that you can then, literally, use keywords to set up for people to, again, search for specific topics. And in that case, and if you’re a Videosocials member, that’s and then right in the search window, look at the search phrase ‘library,’ as an example.

Hope you found that valuable. If you did, either of the URLs I already gave you, are a great place to take a look and search for the topic that you’re most interested in . Again, Mark, the co-founder of and of Have a great day.