Videosocials member co-founder, Mark Bullock, suggests sharing client success stories and client horror stories to tap into your audience’s empathy and to get them to connect with your message on an emotional level. Watch the video to learn why and how.

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Can you make people laugh on camera? Maybe you can get them a little choked up. Maybe you can have them think twice about something. And is that necessary?

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

And the thing I want to get across to you today is, if you can attach to somebody’s emotions — if you can attach to what they’re feeling about, with whatever they’re dealing with and not just get stuck on the individual, okay, ‘you’ve got a problem, I’ve got a solution,’ right. There’s emotions attached in there somewhere. So, how do you do that?

I want you to think of two things. I want you to think of client success stories and I want you to think of client horror stories. In other words, the would-be clients — those that should have hired you and what happened when they didn’t, as well as those success stories.

And bring the emotion with you. Bring the emotion that that client had — the happiness that they had, the jubilation that they had or the ‘Thank God I was able to avoid X Y Z.’ If you can bring that relief, those emotions, those feelings into your conversation with your audience, you just hit a home run. Everything else, all the structures, how you open, etc., all play second fiddle to your ability to attach to their empathy and not everybody that, you know, is going to watch your video is empathetic, but most people have some level of empathy and if they’re dealing with something or they’re trying to avoid pain — pursuit of pleasure, avoidance of pain, right, so, if they’re pursuing something, that’s fantastic. If they’re trying to avoid pain, well, let them experience a little bit of that pain by you projecting what that might feel like for them.

I know this feels a little bit cryptic, but think again back to those client success stories and those client horror stories and bring the emotion that comes with it into your conversation with your audience.

I hope you found that valuable. If you did, you’ll find lots more at And again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and Have a great day.