and co-founder and COO, Mark Bullock, explains why you should avoid the “me too” marketing strategy. You shouldn’t be aiming to market your business as your competitors are. Aim to present your authentic self, which will make you stand out in a crowded marketing space.

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Do you have a ‘me too’ marketing strategy?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with and .

And what do I mean by ‘me too?’ Well, in the marketing world, we look at that as perspective of you’re an attorney, you’re a CPA , you’re a consultant, you’re a coach, you’re whatever you are, and you’ve got competition. And so you look to the marketplace that you want to get your name, your brand, your information out to, and you look at your competitors and you think that’s the way — whatever they’re doing, that’s the way that you need to reach out to the to your audience. That’s the way that you need to reach your prospects. Well, if you do it the same way that they do it, it means that you’re a ‘me too’ business. You’ve got a ‘me too’ marketing strategy.

‘Oh, yes, I do that as well !’ Right? So it’s not very distinctive. And that’s like the one rule that is the cutting edge of marketing. How do you distinguish yourself from everybody else around you? So there’s lots of ways of doing it.

You can have, you know, the sizzle that sells the steak rather than, you know, worrying about the steak. Um, lots to talk about, you know, features and benefits, these types of things. But everything kind of falls short of the main way that I suggest you do it, especially if you’re doing video, and that is authenticity.

What do I mean by authenticity? I mean, it’s the real you because that’s something that nobody else can fake. That’s something that nobody else is like you. So when you get on video, you have the ability to be yourself. So in being yourself, you are distinguishing yourself from everybody else around you and all of your competitors.

So why would that be important? Well, if you’re going to be putting out videos, you’re going to be putting out information that’s of value to your audience. It’s a value to the prospects that you’re reaching out to. It’s going to be something that is about you, and you know that you can’t fly your way through it. That’s not going to get you anywhere.

So be you. Be authentic. There’s plusses. There’s minuses. The more that it’s you, the more that it’s authentic. The more that it’s real. And if you look at anything on YouTube nowadays, the stuff that sells, the stuff that people watch, the things that people consume are real. It’s the real thing. It’s warts and all.

So don’t worry about being polished. Yes, you want to be professional. But don’t worry about being polished. Worry about being authentic.

Again, Mark with Have a great day.