Can you imagine creating videos that you would put up on YouTube or that you would put on your website or that you would send out in emails so that you would put on social media platforms that would relay your knowledge, your experience, and value to others that you serve, whether it be through products or services, that is a value to them, again, and is informational, etc. — but it’s in your mind. Watch co-founder, Mark Bullock’s, video for more details.

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From the video...


So, we’ve all heard that you need to believe something’s possible before you can engage in that thing. In other words, it becomes real only if we’ve believed that it’s possible.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co -founder of and . And I think there’s actually a step in front of that belief because we can’t believe in something if we can’t imagine it.

So, can you imagine creating videos that you would put up on YouTube or that you would put on your website or that you would send out in emails so that you would put on social media platforms that would relay your knowledge, your experience and value to others that you serve, whether it be through products or services, that is a value to them, again, and is informational etc. — but it’s in your mind.

But perhaps you’re not thinking that you can imagine actually doing it. Maybe you’re camera shy. Maybe you just don’t like the way you sound or you don’t like the way that you look on camera. Maybe you just are not sure that, you know, you know enough yet — or that you’re good enough yet, etc .

I would suggest because 90 -something % of all people that you see that are out on video, that have done audio podcasts, that basically put themselves out there were in the same boat as you, and that is a lack of imagination. And… because if you can’t imagine it, you can’t believe it.

So, I’m not going to tell you, you need to believe in yourself until you can imagine the possibility. So, take that first step. Have a look at . If it’s something that you’d like to experience, click on the guest menu item, and schedule as a guest to come in and take a look.

And because we designed this with you in mind and what do we do? Well again, have a look at the website, but essentially we get together small groups of people — just like you — that are learning to imagine and believe what’s possible and are actually doing it, which is getting content on video out there for the world so that they can expand their reach, they can help others to get to know them, like them, and trust them so that they can call them and potentially do business with them.

So, imagine what would be possible for you if you were actually able to be on camera, and what that could mean for your business and for your life. If you found this valuable, there’s lots of other tips at Video and please do come join us as a guest. We’d love to meet you. We’d love to have a conversation.

Again, Mark —, . Have a great day.