co-founder Mark Bullock shares advice on how to create videos that are conversational as opposed to sales pitches. Conversations sell; being spoken to does not.

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What energy do you want to project when you’re recording a video? And how do you control that, anyway?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, I’m the co -founder of and of

And in addition to the facial expressions that we have, the body language that we’re using, the gestures that we’re using, the content of what we’re presenting, what resonates most with your viewer is the energy that you’re projecting and all of the things that I just mentioned all play into that.

But how do you control it? How do you actually set it up so that the person on the other side of the camera actually feels like you’re having a conversation with them?

Well, it’s very simple. Instead of talking to the abyss of a camera, talk to somebody on the other side of that camera. They don’t actually need to physically be there — just know that they’re going to be when they’re watching it. It’s a human being that you’re talking to, not some bot or some visitor to your website or somebody on … some random person on YouTube — it’s a human being. And if you can connect with another human being sitting across the desk from you, and you can have a conversation, and you can do that in a way that they feel like you’re understanding where they’re coming from, that you get what challenges or problems that they’re trying to resolve, then you’ve basically done it. In other words, it comes back to being an authentic person having a conversation with another authentic person, even though you’re recording that conversation through a camera.

So, just have in mind who’s your ideal client? Who’s your ideal prospect? How can you help them? How are you going to speak with them? How are you going to have a conversation that can help them through whatever trouble, issue, problem, challenge that they’re facing? If you can have that in mind, the energy is going to come naturally and that’s the whole point. It needs to feel and seem like it’s natural, and that you’re having a conversation with that person, again, on the other side of the camera.

I hope you found that valuable. If you did, you’ll find lots more tips like this at . Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of . Have a great day.