Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, shares the lesson he learned from a recent conversation with Videosocials member Grenetta Mason, also known as Reverend G. Reverend G gave Mark a new perspective on his recent feeling of overwhelm. Watch the video and learn the lesson on how to manage feeling like you just can’t do all that you need or want to do.

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I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed. I’ve been feeling a little bit… how do I manage all this? How do I deal with all that is happening in my personal life, in my business life, etc.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co -founder of And had a conversation today with a member of Videosocials who had taken a vacation — took a while off, both in their business and personal life, as well as from Videosocials. We had a conversation on the phone today, and it made my day.

And the person is Grenetta — Reverend G — Grenetta Mason and what Reverend G told me was, in the process of taking this vacation, she did some self -reflection and she said, ”I am enough.” That’s what came up for her. And that really struck me because I think the core of my feeling overwhelmed is that I’ve been operating like I’m not enough.

I am enough and I just need to make sure that I have enough other people that can support and understand and buy into what I’m up to because I’m never going to be able to do it all on my own. And I’m talking about the next level of Videosocials.

And so I guess the purpose of this video is to say that if you’re feeling overwhelmed, if you’re feeling that it’s all just too much, there’s too many things to do — there’s too many things to think about — there’s too many things that you’re juggling there in the air, think about who you’re going to enroll in assisting you with that. And who you’re going to enroll in engaging with that same set of priorities that you need to get done, because you are enough.

You are enough because you’re a leader. And you are enough because you’re up to something that’s of value to others. If that’s the case, then it’s all about enrolling those others into helping you, supporting you, engaging you to get done what needs to get done.

So, that’s what I’m taking on. I invite you to consider the same.

Again, Mark — , . Have a great day.