Mark Bullock, co-founder of and, explains the importance of being distinctive and memorable so your audience has more to remember you from than just your content.

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So, one of the main tenets of marketing is to be distinctive, to be different, to stand out from others.

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and, and I’ve done a number of videos that you can find at that cover this and many other topics. But I haven’t really looked at it from a perspective of how do you look? What do I mean?

You — when you’re presenting content, we want you to bring out your personality. We want you to deliver your content from your perspective as if you’re having a conversation with somebody sitting across the desk from you, rather than with a camera. That being said, all that you know — all of your life experiences etc. etc. can come across and help make you distinctive and it’s part of what makes you, you, and that is part of your distinction.

But also, remember how you look on camera — what your background looks like, what you’re wearing, all can make you distinctive and help to build your brand, as it were. So, using myself as an example, well, I look a little distinctive, don’t I? So, the beard, of course — the beard being a big beard — well, that narrows it down that much more.

The fact that I’m wearing an Aloha shirt — now that kind of puts it over the top, right? You’re not gonna see too many big beard guys with an Aloha shirt that are giving you marketing advice. So, those are all things.

Also, my background is neutral because I’m bold enough with the big beard in the Aloha shirt, right? So I don’t want to… I don’t want to be, you know… what’s the word I’m looking for? I don’t want to offend anybody. At the same… at the same token, I want to be distinctive. I want you to be able to recognize me and think of the value that you got from whatever of the 400 plus videos that I’ve created, that you can remember what I look like, what I sound like, as well as my uniqueness in how I hand that information over to you across the camera.

I hope you found that valuable and I hope that you’ll allow yourself to be who you are on camera, so that you can be distinctive for your audience. Again, Mark,, phone . Have a great day.