co-founder, Mark Bullock, shares key tips on how to retain and grow your audience.

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Do you have a live stream or a video podcast or an audio podcast or a blog that you’re putting things out on regularly? Basically, do you have anything that you do online as far as creating content on a consistent basis? Well, are you adding a call-to-action at the end of whatever other content that you’re doing to make sure that people know about it, have a link to it, and can subscribe in one way, shape, or form?

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and And what I’m talking about is we often times will have a specific call-to-action to contact me or will have a call-to-action to go to a specific page or maybe even go see a playlist, etc.

So, all of that’s fine, and I’ve done other videos on calls-to-action but if you’re doing something consistently online, you really want to build an audience. In order to build that audience, everything you do should have a call-to-action and a link or links connected with it at the end of your video, at the end of your podcast, in the text that goes along with the blog post or the social media post, etc., so that you can send them to and ask them to subscribe — one way, shape, form — to follow, subscribe, etc. Why? Because everything that you do should be pulling back towards that getting them engaged with you, and your content over time and have them be able to have it show up for them whether it be an email or ring the bell or whatever the various social media platforms that you may be using are doing to have them come back and consume additional content.

Basically, this is feeding an audience, and not only feeding that audience but making sure that your cross-promoting or cross-connecting all the different things that you might be doing online, to give them the opportunity to follow you — is essentially what it comes down to.

So, make sure that you have a default closing to your videos; a default closing to your content, whatever it is that may have a specific thing for that particular piece of content that you want them to take the next step and that’s great and I’ve always encouraged that but don’t forget to also pull them back to where you want them to be, which is paying attention to you over time.

Hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’re lots more at and there’ll be a link below for that. Again, Mark Bullock, co-founder of and Have a great day.