co-founder, Mark Bullock, shares how he uses his staff to ensure he finishes the projects he starts. How do you make yourself accountable for finishing the projects you’ve started?

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So, if you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, and you find the term accountability to be a little bit stressful to even think about for yourself, I’ve got a little story for you.

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

And the story is I just got off the phone in the last half hour, in fact, with a client that I’ve been working with for a while that is incredibly busy, has a growing practice, has a whole lot of balls in the air and we needed to get on the phone to get a list of people that they needed to contact for a project that coming up. And they kept saying a couple of times, ”you know, oh… okay that’s a good idea, I’ll finish this up later — I’ll finish this up later.” And I said, ”if you don’t mind, why don’t we take the five minutes on the phone, and you can finish it up while I’m on the phone with you.” They immediately got what I was saying, and that was, as soon — he knew that as soon as we hung up the phone, the other eighty-seven priority projects and phone calls and everything else were going to get in the way, and they weren’t going to take that five or ten minutes just to get through.

In my own world and in my own situation, we have staff and I utilize that staff all the time because I’ve got too many balls in the air and I have a natural resistance to being accountable to get things done.

I’m an entrepreneur. I’m an inventor. I’m somebody that likes to start things. I’m not necessarily the guy that you want to count on to cross the Ts, dot the I’s, and make sure that all the little pieces get followed up on.

So, in my world, accountability is not a dirty little word anymore. It’s not something that causes me stress. It’s something that I know that if I’m willing to pay somebody else to spend a few minutes with me I’m going to get through whatever it is — the list that needs to be created, that component that just needs some finishing touches, etc. If I don’t have that, in all likelihood it’s not going to happen even if I put it in my calendar; even if I set alarms, etc., etc. Because if it’s important but it’s not critical — if it’s not problem -solving, if it’s not solving an emergency, it’s probably going to get set aside before I get it complete. So, I use account… the accountability of my staff to help me get that across the finish… across the finish line and actually finish something.

I hope you found this valuable. If you did there are lots more at There’ll be a link below for that, and again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of Have a great day