Over a decade of being Chief Operating Officer of Practice Marketing Inc, the parent company of phoneBlogger.net and Videosocials.net, has brought us to the launch of Mark’s new podcast, Inspiring Business. Inspiring Business is a Video Interview Podcast intended to highlight inspiring stories about people who make a difference in the lives of others through the services and products that they provide.

Interested in being a guest on Inspiring Business? Email Mark@MBullock.com

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From the video...


So why am I starting a podcast, specifically a video interview podcast?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock I’m the co-founder Videosocials.net and of phoneBlogger.net and the Chief Operations Officer of Practice Marketing Incorporated.

Why I include all of that in the introduction is what has led me to the point that I’m ready to start a podcast. The name of it is Inspiring Business. That sounds a little bit open ended and that’s intentional because the main premise, the main reason that I want to do it is because of all of the phenomenal human beings that I have met in the past more than a decade that we’ve been running Practice Marketing Incorporated and in helping them create content whether it be text, whether it be audio, whether it be video and there are so many inspiring stories. Inspiring stories about people who make a difference in the lives of others through the services and products that they provide.

And that requires a different level of communication to those out there in the world around you If you are making a difference because it’s no longer trying to sell them something. It’s no longer trying to tie features and benefits into what potential ROI that they have. All of that’s important. All of that is critical, in fact. But what’s even more critical is if you have a business that’s making a difference — that actually positively impacts the people that you serve — that you’re of service to — then that’s the kind of conversations that I want to have as well as how are these impactful, difference-making, inspiring individuals inspiring others to want to do business with them.

So there’ll be contact information below if you have an interest in being a guest on my show and there will also be a link to the podcast itself. I hope you will enjoy it. Hope you’ll join me. Hope you’ll subscribe. Again Mark Bullock — co-founder of Videosocials.net, phoneBlogger.net, and COO of Practice Marketing Incorporated. Have a great day.