Co-founder, Mark Bullock, talks about the importance of calls-to-action and provides some tips on how to craft effective ones.

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So, you’ve created a video. Wonderful. Now, what do you want the viewer to do at the end of that video? Do you even know what you want them to do?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and And what I’m talking about is, what is your call-to-action or CTA, in marketing lingo. What’s so important about it is is that we need to realize — and I’m as guilty as anyone else in having a wishy -washy or a not impactful call -to -action.

So, how do we make it impactful? Well, one is whatever it is that you want them to do, you want it to be related to the video, right? So, the common is, you know, ‘Contact me. Let’s have a conversation.’ Or even to invite them to have a conversation, which is, I think, the next level of that.

But you have to realize that if this is the first piece of content that they’ve ever consumed of yours — if this is something that you’re putting out on social media, as an example, maybe they don’t know you. That’s a big step to ask them to call and contact you, or even to email you. So, there’s nothing wrong with having that there but I think there’s something that you might find is considerably more valuable because what you want them to do is to not just go onto the next video — just go onto the next piece of content that they’re going on and completely forget about you. You want them to give… want to give them a reason to stay with you, to want to get more information that you have to offer.

So, whether that be a page of your website that has related content to what you just presented on. Whether that be the playlist that you put together on YouTube for them to engage with. Whether that be to subscribe to your YouTube channel or what… any other social media channel that you’re on. Whether it be to check you out on other specific social media sites. Basically, pick one and give them a link.

I’ve done other videos on calls -to -action, but this is the point that I want you to get from this one. If you don’t give them a link, you’re asking them to type something, to search for something, to go somewhere and dig around for something. What do you think the chances are going to be that they’re going to do that versus if you just give them a link? Click Here and tell them what they’re going to get when they click there so that you’ve got a clean clear path for them to follow after they’ve finished consuming that piece of content in this context of video. The link will be below.

And I’m going to give you two calls-to-action for this video. If you found it valuable, you’ll find lots more at There’ll be a link below and in addition to that, if you haven’t been a guest at Video socials, we’d love to meet you. We’d love for you to find out more information about it. We’d love to have you as a guest. So, again, there will be a link below but it’s and/or the Guest tab on But again, link below. I hope you found this valuable. Again, Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and of Have a great day.