Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains how to enhance your status as a branded expert and increase prospect engagement with lists.

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Are you a lists person? Do you like lists?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

Well, if you are, you’re not alone. Most of the people that you’re probably presenting to on video are list people, too.

People appreciate lists. They like that — whether it be checklists, mistakes to avoid, things to remember in certain circumstances, etc. I invite you to capitalize on that and not just on video, because most lists that you’re going to come up with, whether that be lists of Frequently Asked Questions, lists, again, of mistakes to avoid, or things not to do in certain circumstances, as an example. Many times, those lists are going to be 8, 10, 15, 20 different things, so, you have an opportunity. In a three-minute video, you can get across maybe three things.

The reality is that most of those things could all have their own three-minute video. So, think in terms of — well, maybe put together a series — put together a playlist on YouTube and have a series of those tips — those lists of things that people should or shouldn’t do in certain circumstances.

But even better than that is to do an introduction video that talks about two or three of those things and why they’re so important. And if they want the rest of that list of things to do or not to do, you go to your website, sign up, give you their email address, and you’ll send them that list in a .pdf, or even that private series of videos that’s only available if they know the link, as an example.

So, this is called an ethical bribe or a lead magnet and what it does, it allows you to get their information and gives you permission to continue marketing to those that may not be ready to get started with you, yet, but are researching and trying to get more information, so that you can put that information in their inbox rather than waiting for them to keep coming back and looking at your website or digging through other information. That way you can get the information to them from you, making, again, enhancing your status as a branded expert.

I hope you found this valuable. If you did, you’ll find lots more at . And again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of . Have a great day.