Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains how creating a set of FAQs will save you time and make it easier for prospects to convert to clients.

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Has it ever happened to you that you’ve got a prospect — they found you online or they were referred to you, they went to your website, they sent you an email and you… they have questions and of course you want to have a conversation with them to answer those questions and start to open a dialogue and a conversation with them. But maybe they’re just not ready yet. So, you end up typing out a long email or trying to send them to various areas of your website to look up the information and encourage them to schedule time with you.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

And this is a very common problem and it’s a problem that I think you may find that creating video F A Q s, or video Frequently Asked Questions, more specifically, the answers to your prospect’s Frequently Asked Questions in video format and then emailing that along with your calendar and additional invites to have a conversation with you might help ”crack the ice,” as it were.

So why don’t people want to get on the phone with us? Well, we hate to be sold but we do love to buy. And what I’m talking about buying is I’m talking about finding solutions to problems.

So, if someone is nervous about being in a conversation with you, they’re probably nervous about you trying to sell them something. So, if you are able to give them the information to answer their questions without feeling like they’re being sold something that goes a long way. But there’s nothing next to actually being in a conversation with someone that’s more impactful than a video.

So, imagine somebody sends you an email — asks you a question. You’ve already answered that question in a video FAQ. So, you can just send them the link along with a short text, you know, short text amount of text in the message to say that this is a common question, and if you’d like to discuss it more, here’s my calendar link to schedule some time with me. But take two or three minutes to watch the video. I think it may help you, just as an example.

So, it’s just another thing that you can do and even if these may be, shall we say, not public videos, there’re lots of members of Videosocials record videos that aren’t necessarily for marketing, at least not frontline marketing, but are a stage or two back after a relationship has been established so that you don’t have to repeat yourself over and over and over again with all of the different questions that are commonly asked and send those videos directly to them via email.

I hope you found this valuable. If you did, you’ll find lots more at and again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and Have a great day.