Are you a marketing do-it-yourselfer? Do you not have time or patience to do it yourself? Do you need hand-holding to get your marketing tasks done? Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains why all these different types are perfect for Videosocials. Listen to Mark explain why.

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So, if you can create your own videos and you can get them captioned and titled and descriptions filled out and you can get them out online and you can do all that yourself, why would you consider something like Videosocials, which is designed to help you with a number of those tasks and concepts?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and . And this is a question that comes up once in a while when our members ask people to come as a guest and check it out. And I’ve heard a number of different things, but you know not the least of which is — ‘well, you know, I prefer to do my own captions,’ or ‘I prefer to do my own postings,’ or ‘I’m going to come up with my own topics. I prefer to record in front of the inanimate object called a camera without an audience,’ as an example.

Well, the short answer is you can do any of those things on your own and still be a part of Videosocials. As a matter of fact, we’ve had members that never come to a meeting and, in fact, shoot their own videos and upload their videos to our program because they do want some of the back -end functions that we provide.

So, the point is not — are we going to do it all for you? Because, the fact of the matter is, yes, we can. Or we can do whatever parts of it and /or our software can do for you what you don’t want to do and /or you don’t have time to do. All of that is in addition to, don’t forget, the biggest value is having an appointment to get it done.

And if you can do it in front of an audience — your fellow Videosocials members that will be there in the room with you — then you’re going to get the biggest value, I think, of the whole program and that is, other perspectives on what it is that you’re presenting, so that you’re not just in your own head trying to say what you think your audience wants to hear, the way that you think your audience wants to hear it, but you’re actually hearing from real people, other business professionals, how it’s coming across to them so that you can refine your message, your presentation, the way that you present, how it comes out of your mouth and how you present overall so that it has the best possible impact.

But again, so, if you want to do your own posting? Fine. Absolutely. You’re welcome to. If you want to record your own videos occasionally and upload them to our system so that you can have that end screen added, have that title added, etc., you can do that, too.

So, it really is a mix and match. You can count on us to handle basically everything with exception of the actual video recording itself, or you can pick and part… pick and choose which parts that you want to handle and that can vary between videos. This week, you might be super busy. Maybe it’s easier just to let us handle it, as an example. Next week, I’ve got some extra time on my hands. I really want to do this one on my own. It’s all possible with Videosocials.

So, we invite you to be a guest. Come, take a look. It’s and just click on the guest tab at the top, right-hand corner of the screen. Register for any of our available clubs just to come as a guest. There’s no charge. We’d be happy to meet you. I hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’re lots more tips at And again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of . Have a great day.