Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, describes what it’s like to be a guest at a club meeting. What are the expectations and what are you going to get out of it?

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Have you been invited to Videosocials and you’re wondering, ‘you know — Gee, do I have to record something? What… wha… wha… what do I do?’ Well, I’m — Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and, in fact, and you don’t have to do anything other than show up if you don’t want to. And we do ask, though, that you consider introducing yourself and perhaps allowing us to record it.

Now, maybe that just brought up some anxiety in you when I said that. Maybe you’re not really ready to do that or you’re not really sure how you want to present? Well, Videosocials is designed to be a safe place to practice and experiment. In other words, every video that you shoot, whether you do it on your own or whether you do it in a Videosocials environment — in basically in one of our clubs, in a social environment with others that are doing the same thing as you, it’s your video. You decide whether or not you want to post it or not. Whether or not you want to delete it. Whether or not it’s something that you want to archive so that you can reference later that you might want to re -record.

The whole point that I want to get across is you’re coming as a guest, we’re here for you. You’re welcome to give it a practice shot. Even just introduce yourself for the purposes of you getting comfortable with how does the process work. Because it’s a whole different experience to observe a group of anybody doing anything than it is to actually participate. Once you participate, now you’ve got a better feeling for it.

And again, there is no pressure and there is no judgment. We do give feedback to make suggestions for areas that you might be able to improve on, but even, especially if you’re a guest, we’re not going to layer on the 27 things that you might be able to do differently to make it a more perfect video. That’s not what this is about.

What this is about, is taking you from wherever you are to the next step. And sometimes that next step is just recording — just to say hi, who you are, and what you’re about because our goal is to have you as comfortable having a conversation with a camera as you are having a conversation sitting across the desk from someone else. And that only happens with practice.

But again, please come and check us out as a guest and if you really aren’t comfortable in presenting yet, that’s not a problem. We’re happy to have you observe and maybe have you come back as a guest again when you are ready to at least introduce yourself on camera. But I think if you’ll do it, you’ll find that it’s very satisfying to have gotten that first one out of the way.

I hope you found this valuable. If you did, there’re lots more tips at And again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and Have a great day.