co-founder, Mark Bullock, provides advice on how best to optimize your video interviews, making them attractive and interesting to watch. Make the viewer feel like they’re getting to listen in on or watch two people having a conversation. It’ll broaden their perspective and make it much more interesting and engaging than just watching two people delivering content at intervals.

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Have you ever wondered why when you’re watching a video — say on YouTube — if there’s two people having a conversation, it’s just far more interesting to watch than somebody talking at you like a talking head on screen.

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and And in addition to the services that we’re jumping into recently, helping those that are doing podcasts and video interviews, very specifically, there’s an opportunity, even in Videosocials, to have two people on screen at the same time.

So, we’ve had a few people that have actually experimented with it, and it’s really interesting — it’s an interesting dynamic because the natural tendency for people to do that — two people in the same frame not across zoom or being recorded from different locations but actually on the same frame. Our tendency is, you know, one takes a turn delivering their content, and then the other takes a turn delivering their content, and that’s a great place to start.

But where I think the rubber really meets the road, and what makes something like that that much more attractive and that much more engaging for people, is if you have a conversation with the other person. Now, the thing is, it doesn’t matter if they’re on the same screen or not if you’re having a conversation. How many interviews have you seen where you know the interviewer will ask a question, and then the person who’s being interviewed, the interviewee, is… gives a response, and then it goes back to the interviewer, etc. , etc ., and there’s really not much of a conversation that’s happening.

It’s… the secret is it’s the conversation that’s attractive. It’s engaging and seeing people having a back and forth because then you can imagine yourself as part of that conversation. You also get to see things from different perspectives rather than just the one person’s perspective, which is often what… times what ends up coming across in a scripted interview, as an example.

So, what’s the… what’s the overall secret? If you’re going to have two people that are going to be part of the same video, make it an authentic conversation between the two of you. That way it feels like to the viewer that they’re getting to listen in on — watch in on — two people having a conversation with a back and forth, and it broadens their perspective, and it makes things much more interesting and engaging than just watching two people delivering content at intervals.

Hope you found that valuable. Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and . If you did find it valuable, you’ll find lots more at Have a great day.