co-founder, Mark Bullock, urges everyone to keep on practicing their video presentations, whether or not they think they’ve gotten to be the best they can be. Watch the video and listen to Mark explain.

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From the video...


Have you really ever worked at something very hard? You’ve done it over and over again, trying to master it and then you knock it out of the park, it’s a home run — but can you ever repeat it?

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

And that’s a stumbling block for everybody that works their way up through competency to mastery. And I’m not a big fan of sports analogies, but I think baseball really fits here.

How many times does the average pro-baseball player hit a home run out of the many thousands of times that they swing the bat, even after they’ve mastered the sport?

The point that I’m getting at is those who win are those who play and keep playing and keep practicing and keep going for that home run but realizing that every base hit, every time that they managed to connect with that ball is another opportunity, another step in the right direction. And all of it is valuable, either as an end-product that they can put out there or as the actual practice that’s required to hone your skills.

I encourage you, if you’re doing video, you’re creating content, you’re doing podcasts, whatever it is, be willing to practice. Many, many of those practices will be base hits and will move the ball forward and take you to the next level. And occasionally you’re going to hit a home run. Just don’t be disappointed when the next time you get up after… up to bat after hitting that home run, that that one is only a base hit because home runs are few and far between, even for the Masters.

Hope you found that valuable. Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and . And there’s lots more tips at Have a great day.