Dispelling common misunderstandings and myths within your industry will help your audience see you as the industry expert you are. In this video, Videosocials.net co-founder, Mark Bullock, provides tangible ideas on how to dispel these myths and misunderstandings.

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Why are you creating content in the first place?

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net.

And the answer to that could range all across the board, but I’m going to suggest that perhaps you want to become a branded expert. Perhaps you want people to perceive you as very knowledgeable and very helpful for your potential clients. And in doing so, you might actually even be a thought leader.

Well, I’ve said in the past that one of the most engaging things that you can put in a title or that you can make your subject about in whatever content you’re creating, whether it be video, text, audio, podcast, etc. , is to tell them the mistakes to avoid and to use that phrase exactly. But there’s another one that’s just about as valuable and that is being a myth buster. So, what do I mean?

Well, you’ve got in your audience, in those that are that might use your services, in those that might refer those that use your services, there are false beliefs. There are assumptions that your prospects and your clients may have — whatever industry that you’re in — there’s always some myths, right. Because all that is is basically a misunderstanding. A… it could be very common, or it could be fairly narrow that only certain segments of your audience may believe, falsely or inappropriately, that if in scenarios — ‘Oh , you know, this will work out because…’

Well, answer those questions for them. Show them that it’s a myth. Don’t be judgmental about it when you’re doing it. Say, ‘It’s very common that people often think that this will happen.’ And then give them a story. Give them an example. Give them a suggestion or a scenario that they can relate to that, ‘Oh, gee! If I continued on with that myth, I could get myself in trouble or I could extend the length of time or it could cost me a lot more.’

Whatever means by which you can make a difference for them through your services to help overcome their obstacles — overcome whatever problem that they’re facing. And in doing so, you are basically busting the myths that they may already hold.

So, create a playlist and sit down and write out what are the lists of myths that people have and you… and the answers to what myths there are… myths there may be is in whatever questions your clients or prospective clients have ever asked you, because there’s often a myth that’s behind that question, right.

So, write out those myths — might be three, might be five, might be a dozen — and do a video or write a blog post, write an article, do an audio podcast, exploding those myths in a way that isn’t judgmental, but does help your prospective clients move forward and recognize, ‘maybe this person really does know a lot more about this than I had anticipated.’ And if that’s the case, maybe this is the person I want to work with.

I hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s lots more at Videosocials.net and phone — excuse me — Videosocials.net/Academy . Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net. Have a great day.