Support, Empathy. Understanding. Growth. These are just some of the benefits Videosocials members receive at meetings and they’re why co-founder, Mark Bullock, says that attending Videosocials meetings lifts him through tough times. 

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Are you going through some stuff — I mean some heavy stuff — and wondering, you know, why would I focus on marketing? Why would I go back to Videosocials or something like that, just because you’ve got stuff on your plate and it’s heavy.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, I’m the co-founder of and

And basically, I can’t answer that question for you, but I think there’s some members that can because I’ve recently heard stories and stories of people that are going through some stuff and it’s taken some time and it’s a bit of a machine gun fire that’s coming at them. And what they’re relaying to me is is that the meeting, the social aspects, the engagement of their friends in coming together and in just 45 minutes to be able to compartmentalize and set their stuff aside and actually take a step in the direction that they know they need to go.

And it’s a judgment-free zone. And it’s a place where people are supporting each other and are doing exactly the same thing that you are. It’s not a place to have a pity party.

But at the same token, you do get support. You do get empathy. You do get understanding. And that’s the social aspects of Videosocials . That’s the community that has been created. I was going to say that we created but the reality is it’s you, our members that created it. And I’m humbled by it. I really am and I know that from my own experience at times that I’ve been going through stuff, being in a meeting makes a huge difference. Even if the meeting isn’t a specific support to whatever stuff that I’m going through, going in, seeing my friends, taking this step, focusing on my moving forward — on my taking the next step in our business is invaluable.

And so I encourage you, even if you’re going through stuff, come on in. Water’s warm. We’re happy to be here for you.

I hope you found that valuable. If you did, you’ll find lots more tips at . Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of Take Care.