co-founder Mark Bullock, shares three easy-to-do techniques to employ in your videos to increase the chances of your audience engaging.

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Would you like to double, triple, or maybe even quadruple the engagement of the people that watch your videos at the end of your videos.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and , and I have three simple tips — three simple ideas that can get you there.

The first, and the most important, has to do with what are you asking them to do? In other words, are you even using a call-to-action? If you are using a call-to-action, is it specific? And if it’s not… or … if it is specific, are you being very clear about what to do and how to do it? Right, so, keep in mind, people hate to be sold — they love to buy. So — and they’re afraid that they’re gonna end up on a mailing list, and you’re gonna start sending them spam, or even worse, to actually have to pick up the phone and call you. Well, they just met you via video. Why would you ask them to call you? I think some may very well be ready to, and you certainly want to mention how to contact you if they’re ready to have a conversation. But assume that the vast majority of people that the first time that they come in contact with you, they’re unlikely to pick up the phone and call you. So, give them something specific to do that’s a smaller step. So, that’s number one.

Number two is — how are they going to get there, right? So, our tendency is to want to say : Oh, go to my website and look under resources and etc., etc. There’s nothing wrong with that. But if you want to double the response, tell them: There’s gonna be a link below. Just click on the link. That will take you there. In other words, give them not only a specific place to go, but give them a reason to go, and the ability to basically not have to do anything other than click on a link. The more instructions, the more steps that people have to follow to get to what’s next, the less likely they’re going to follow through. So, now we’ve doubled then tripled.

So, what’s the final way to get them to quadruple their follow through? Don’t tell them to do it, invite them to. In other words, if this is of interest to you, if this is something that you’d like to learn, if this is something that could make a difference in your business, I invite you to click on the link below rather than telling them. People don’t like to be told what to do. It’s just that simple.

Three simple ideas : Be specific. Give them a link to follow through to and invite them rather than telling them. I hope you found that valuable. If you did, you’ll find lots more tips just like it at Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of Have a great day.