Mark Bullock, co-founder of and, explains why having specific, strong calls-to-action on your videos will result in more engagement and legitimate prospects.
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So, I’d like to know what exactly do you want your viewer to do after they watch your video?
Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co -founder of and
Well, the answer to that question probably falls into the category of contact you to be able to do business with you. And that’s great and that’s fine and many of you use calls-to-action at the end of your video as to how they can contact you. That’s terrific. And it’s a really big step for most people, especially if this is the first experience of you that they’ve ever gotten — watching your video, as an example.
So, whether it be a written blog post, an audio, a video — doesn’t really matter what it is — if it goes out onto social media, there’s a very good possibility that it’s the first and only time that they’ve ever engaged with you and seen or gotten the information from you. So, psychologically, it’s a big step — people hate to be sold, they love to buy, or they love to find solutions to their problems. But that’s often going to take more than a two- or three -minute video, a three- or four -minute -to -read blog post, etc.
So, you know, the next step is ‘well, go to my website’ or ‘check out my social media channel.’ And again, those are fine, but what gets traction is being very specific and giving them not only the how to contact you, but how to take a next step that doesn’t require an actual interaction with you. So, that might be ‘Check out my YouTube channel,’ ‘Subscribe to my YouTube channel.’ That might be ‘Connect with me on LinkedIn.’ That might be ‘I have other articles that I’ve written on similar topics that you may find valuable, and here’s how you access them.’
Again, being very specific, giving them a step because otherwise, the end of the video, ‘Well, I’m not ready to contact them, so on to the next,’ right? So, they’re watching on YouTube — even if they’re watching it on one of the social media channels, or they’re watching it on your website, they’re going to get presented at the end of that video with other videos that might be of interest to them, you know, as far as what YouTube is suggesting for them, as an example. Or, you know, they may have gotten it via an email.
However they received it they’ve interrupted their busy schedules and their busy lives to watch through an entire two- or three- minute video, so, think in terms of always — of course, offer for them to contact you, if they’re ready to do that, but I encourage you to also give them something very specific to do that has them take a smaller step towards you. And again, don’t forget to ask them to subscribe or to follow, if it’s on social media.
Hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s lots of other tips like that at Have a great day.