Mark Bullock, Co-founder of and, shares a secret to completing the work you know you need to do in order to promote yourself and your business..

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So, how do you actually get your marketing that you know you need to do done?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and . And if you’re a member of Videosocials, you come as a guest, etc., you realize pretty quickly that a big part of the fact that you’re on a schedule every week to show up and record a video makes a difference. It makes a difference because it gets you in the habit of doing it, because what do we do? We do what we do habitually. We don’t do a whole lot of things that we don’t have as a habit.

So, the old adage, you know — join the gym and then never go, or join the gym and try to go two or three times in a week and get yourself all sore and maybe even injure yourself and then hardly ever go back, etc. Habits are things that you do because you want the results of the end result.

So, if you come to a Videosocials meeting, you sign up for a home club, you come every week at the same time — unless you know, client problems or whatever get in the way and then you reschedule and you come to a different meeting. All that’s wonderful, but I want you to think about the next step. And the next step is scheduling time — putting it in your calendar for yourself to do what you need to do with those videos, and what you need to do with the rest of your marketing.

So, I’ve said before, social media is not a broadcast medium. It was never designed to be that way. That being said, just getting content out there, that’s a great first step. It’s absolutely essential. But it’s only a step. You need to get in the habit of paying attention to what others are doing. If somebody likes your… the stuff that you put out there, if somebody comments or shares, what are you doing about that? Are you going and thanking them for doing so? Are you responding to their comments? Are you looking at what they’re up to online and on social media and maybe sharing their stuff and commenting on their stuff? So again, you want somebody to pay attention to you, pay attention to them — first, right?

So, that being said, when are you going to do this? I leave that as an open question and then I’ll answer it. You’ll do it if you schedule and put the time in your calendar to do it. Don’t worry about, ‘Well, I don’t want to do five shares in the same hour etc., etc.’ The algorithms are going to take care of that. Just get in the habit of doing it. The only way that you’re going to get in the habit of doing it, the only way that I can get in the habit of doing anything is to put it in my calendar as a recurring event. Tuesdays at three. I don’t care when it is, what exactly it is. Whether it’s a half an hour or an hour or whatever it needs to be, get it into your calendar so that you’re actually devoting time to getting the results that you want to get. Because if you don’t take the actions, you won’t get the results. You’re not going to take the actions until it’s a habit. It’s not going to be a habit unless you get it into your calendar to do so.

Hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s lots of other tips at . Again, Mark Bullock, co -founder Have a great day.