co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains how his mission in life has fueled his energy in creating over 420 videos.

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A little more than two years ago, we started Videosocials or at least, we brought it out to the world and brought in paying members. And if you had asked me at that time or told me at that time that fast-forward two years and I would have recorded 400 videos, I would have said, ‘No way’. It’s… I just was not comfortable enough on camera. I was… I felt like I was forcing myself to be on camera to… to do this. Where did that come from?

And I’ve done lots of videos on camera shyness and those types of things. But really, it’s kind of come full circle — back to where it started. And what I mean by that is I’m best in a conversation, one -on -one with one person. And in fact, I really… what gets my juices going is to inspire someone. And, because it’s not me that’s inspiring them. It’s just me bringing out what’s already in them and helping them see what they love, what they really want to accomplish, what they really want to do.

And so… for me that’s natural easy, as it were, in a one-on-one setting, and I just didn’t know how to do that on video. And where it’s come full circle is realizing that I’m talking to you, whoever you are, whenever you’re watching this, and that’s okay — it can be just you. I’m not talking to 50 people. I’m not talking to 500 or 1000 or 10,000. I’m talking to you, the individual, because you’re a human being. You’ve got needs. You’ve got wants. You’ve got desires and you’ve got an innate feeling that you want to make a difference — that you want to leave a legacy, or that you want to have an impact on others, and this world in one way, shape, form, or another. And if that’s the case, then I am talking to you. Because I only do this — and I’ve only been able to overcome, as it were, my own camera shyness and phobia in public speaking — is to fulfill my mission, which is I make a difference for those that are making a difference in the world. And that’s what we created Videosocials for.

We’d love to have you as a guest. It’s and just click on the Clubs for Guests. Hope to see you soon. Have a great one. Again, Mark — . Take care.