Why are you creating videos? Want to be a YouTube star? Want to grow your business with video? Regardless of the reason, Videosocials.net is a perfect place for you to hone your skills in creating successful videos. Our co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains why Videosocials was created and how it’s helping busy professionals with their video marketing.

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Have you ever thought of competing or participating an event for something that you’ve never done before? Let’s say it’s running a marathon, or a 5K, as an example, or maybe you’ve got some other sort of event, a physical event that you want to attend. And would you ever imagine just showing up and doing it without training — without practice?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co -founder of Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net .

And so, what is Videosocials ? Well, Videosocials is for those that want to be YouTube stars and/or just grow their business with video. So, and anywhere in between, but that only happens with training and practice.

You can try on your own. You’re welcome to. As a matter of fact, I have probably 300 videos that are currently up on Videosocials.net . You’re welcome to go there and learn all you want on how to do it. But the experience of Videosocials is what makes it possible because we’re in a room with like -minded individuals that are doing exactly the same thing: getting practice; getting experience; and learning from each other what works, what could work a little better, and what we may want to leave on the side, as an example.

When you sit in front of that inanimate object called a camera and try to present what you think your audience might want to hear, you’re going to get some of that right, and you’re probably going to get some of it — is going to be a bit off. It may not land. They may not hear what you intended to say, or the way that you intended to say it. The only way to rectify that is practice and practice by getting feedback from other live, real human beings.

So, that’s why we created Videosocials. I invite you to go to Videosocials.club . That is where you can sign up as a guest. We’d love to have you. We’d love to have you see and feel and experience what it’s like. And again, if you’re not ready to jump in to be a guest, please check out Videosocials.net/Academy . Hope you found that valuable. Again, Mark, co -founder of Videosocials.net . Have a great day.