Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains why Videosocials is a good fit for both a person new or fearful of speaking on camera and an experienced speaker with a million YouTube followers.

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So, who is Videosocials designed for, anyway? Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, I’m the co -founder of and of . And the answer to that question is a little broader than you might realize.

So, we originally set out to work with primarily professional services — people that are consultants, for attorneys, for CPAs, coaches, trainers, etc. , and financial professionals. And it’s really kind of expanded beyond that — beyond what we had even envisioned. But most importantly, our purpose was to give you something that you could — if you were trying to make a difference — if your business in some way, shape, or form improves the lives of others and you were a thought leader, or an aspiring thought leader — that this was the place for you. We didn’t really put boundaries on how much experience you had and/ or didn’t have.

So, what we find today is we have people that have never been on camera before in their lives, who have come on and are getting over that initial camera shyness — that concern about being on YouTube for the first time etc. And we do that because it’s such a supportive environment. You get wonderful feedback from your fellow members, and our members are there to support, encourage, and provide tips for ways that you could improve — not to critique, criticize, or judge you.

Now, what’s the other side of that coin is we just had a member joint that has a million YouTube viewers. So, why would somebody that has a million YouTube viewers join Videosocials? Well, they’re used to speaking to the inanimate object called a camera. Their training isn’t doing it that way. When they came onto a Videosocials at a guest event, they found themselves nervous and not really sure what to do when they actually had an audience to work with. So, that… they weren’t gonna tolerate that. They wanted to get in and get that taken care of.

The other thing that you’ll find is is that this gives you a place that is gonna help hold you accountable to actually getting it done. So, we all have client service. We all are busy professionals. We all have every reason (excuse) in the world for not creating marketing content. And this gives you an appointment, every week, come in and spend a little bit of time, learn by doing — experiential learning environment — and the practice because I don’t know about you, but there aren’t many things in life that I’ve mastered without a considerable amount of practice.

Come join us as a guest — []. Have a great day. Again, Mark — Videosocials and phoneBlogger. Take care.