Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, has a message for business owners. From his first-hand experience being sick with COVID-19 and being forced to take a leave of absence from his businesses, Mark shares 3 things to be aware of in case you are ever placed into a similar situation.

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So, if you’re a business owner, and you find yourself in a situation that you’ve had to disconnect from your business for a while and you had to come back, there’s some things you want to be aware of.

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and And in my circumstance, from my personal experience, I got Covid several months ago, and it took me out for almost a month. And this was back in February-March range and it’s now the first of August, and I’d say about a month ago, I felt like I was back to 100%. So, everybody’s got a different experience with Covid and, you know, I’m very, very fortunate — didn’t have to be hospitalized, but it drug out for a really, really long time.

Initially, I was trying to deal with all of the breakdowns that happened in my absence. And the thing that I hadn’t planned for was the fact that there was going to be breakdowns. You know, when you don’t have your finger on the pulse every minute of every hour of every day of a business, things are gonna happen. Things are… people are going to make decisions, whether it be staff — business partners — whatever — clients — people are gonna make decisions and they’re going to step and take different steps, then you might have. So, here’s the upside of that. If you can let the frustration go, you can realize that it exposes areas that you hadn’t realized that were completely dependent on you.

So, number one, we haven’t built a business that’s sellable — that’s truly marketable as a business — unless we built it in such a way that it doesn’t need us to be watching in micro-detail, every little decision and every little choice that’s happening within the company. That’s number one.

Number two is — before you jump in and start trying to tackle and correct what you see as going wrong, make sure that it’s actually gone wrong and it’s not just different than what you were thinking or what your expectations were.

And thirdly, make sure you’re on your game before you jump back in to any major decisions and major choices that you might be making about moving people around, as an example, or chastising someone for the decisions that they made.

I know in my case, I felt like it was… it was at least a month, before I felt like I really had all of my mental faculties to the point that I could reason through and think through because I was carrying the frustration of being sick. I was carrying the frustration of how it affected me mentally, and I was carrying the frustration of — why couldn’t I think through what I normally could, and if I had taken action too soon, it could have been catastrophic.

So, give yourself some space. Give yourself some time to heal. Give yourself some time… get back in the thick, and to look at things more objectively, because I guarantee you, if you’ve got character and you’ve hired people with character, it’s correctable, and in some cases, it might be just an expansion of what you were thinking and a little different perspective that can give you a lot better perspective moving forward.

I hope you found that valuable. Again, Mark with and . And we do have lots of other tips about marketing and business on Take care.