Who wants to be sat and read a script to? Nobody! So don’t do it! Videosocials.net Co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains the difference between conversational videoblogging and scripted TV production and why you should avoid trying to replicate TV production style when recording video blogs.

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If you’re old enough to have a few gray hairs, you may think of video from a perspective of what you’ve seen on television for the last several decades, and video blogging is not that.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of Videosocials.net and of phoneBlogger.net.

And what I’m talking about is everything that we see on television is either scripted, memorized, or teleprompted. That’s exactly what you don’t want to do when you’re doing a video blog. Why is that? Because the more scripted that it is, the more polished that it is, the more energy and crews that are involved, and technical people and camera people and production managers, etc. , etc . that come in all about honing and honing and honing and perfecting that message — well, basically what that says is is that it is contrived versus it is natural, right.

So, there’s never any doubt that I’m speaking naturally and not from a script because I don’t use a script, and I have little bobbles in my voice, or I might lose my place a little bit. Or I have to look away from the camera for a moment to think of the best word to use for the next thing that I want to say. And that’s exactly what you want to do. Why? Because you’re having a conversation with your audience. You’re not reading them a script. You’re not trying to sell them anything. You are trying to convey information that’s of value to them so that you … they can perceive you as an expert in the field and as somebody that they could envision themselves having a conversation with.

So, who wants to be sat and read a script to? Nobody. So don’t do it. Just have a conversation with your audience. That’s what we’ve built Videosocials to help you do. And we provide that audience so that you can literally have a conversation with your fellow members in the room.

That being said, if you found this valuable, please come as a guest. You’re not ready to come as a guest, yet, have a look at Videosocials.net/academy . That’s where you’ll find lots of other tips just like this one. Hope you found it valuable. Have a great day.