Co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains that sometimes the most experienced public speakers have trouble portraying the specific message they want to. That’s where Videosocials’ peer feedback structure is invaluable and even the most accomplished of public speakers benefit from Videosocials membership. Join a club as a guest anytime:

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You remember back in grade school, and they did this little exercise where they would line up the kids and the teacher would tell the first child in the row on the side, a little simple statement. And then they would have the kids repeat it to each other, not being able to hear anything, but from the one to the next. And by the time the kid was asked at the end of that row what was originally said, it had nothing to do with what was originally said.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co -founder of and phone . And the lesson in that is a little bit deeper than we might think. And what I’m talking about is — you know what you said. You know the message that you tried to convey. But do you know what they heard? Probably not. How does that work?

Well, we’re all listening from different places. We have our experiences of life. We have the advertising that we’ve seen, the tv that we’ve seen, whatever we’ve read, whatever we’ve consumed our entire lifetimes. And that is flavoring how we listen, right. In addition to that, if we’re listening from a place of — ”I’ve got a problem and I’m looking for a solution.” — we already start immediately trying to piece together what the solution might be, and so, whatever you say may not be what they hear.

How is this relevant? It’s a big part of why we created Videosocials. What do I mean? What I mean is, you come to a meeting, you have… you present your message, you record a video, and then you get feedback from the other people in the room. There’s a whole lot of reasons for that feedback, but the core one — the main reason is — so that you can get feedback on what the other person or the other people in the room heard versus what you intended to say. Because you know what you said ! You even know the language that you used. But did they hear it the way that you said it?

So, come to Videosocials as a guest — whether you’ve done video or not, we’ll help you over the camera shyness — those types of things. But… one of the things — and literally, we had a new member sign up yesterday who’s got a million views on their YouTube video. Why on earth would they come to Videosocials? Well, they found in practicing, that when they’ve done all of their videos — they’ve done it just speaking to that inanimate object called a camera. And when they sat down with an actual audience, their fellow Videosocials members, they found themselves nervous. And they found that — ”Maybe I’m saying things the way that I think people want to hear it, but maybe I can tweak that a little bit and be more effective.”

Come try out Videosocials — We’d love for you to take an exploration into what you’re saying versus what people are hearing.