Co-founder, Mark Bullock, urges you to think about why you’re creating video content and to go beyond the standard business reasons. Focus on the value you’re bringing to your audience and the difference your content can make.

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Couple of questions for you — the first is: Why are you doing Video socials? Why are you recording videos, etc. ? And the answers may seem obvious, at least at the beginning.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with and . And I think a lot of people come in because they know they need to get videos out on social media. They need to use video in their marketing. They need to get video on their websites . It’s what people are consuming, vastly more so than text. And that’s all good, and it’s certainly a great place to start. But I’m watching members that have joined six months ago, nine months ago, etc. really hit their stride. And how are they doing that?

Well, I’m going to say that it basically comes down to they found their purpose, and the purpose is beyond — I got to get out there on social media — I got to get videos done. It’s the value that they bring to their audience. In other words, the difference that they make by actually recording what’s in their heads and what’s in their hearts to their audience.

What’s the difference? The difference is — I got to do it because I just got to do it. It’s… on my to do list. It’s part of the success formula that in order for me to be able to achieve what I want as far as my business goals. And the purpose is more personal. The purpose is more engaging. The purpose inspires you, and it inspires your audience because it inspires you.

Just some food for thought. Think about why you’re really doing this, and what’s possible, not just for you, but for those that might watch your videos. And the value and the difference that it can make in their businesses and in their lives.

Hope you found that valuable, and if you did, we have plenty more at . Again, Mark, co -founder and Have a great day.