Are you unsure of how and what to share your videos on LinkedIn? member and LinkedIn Expert, Angela Dunz, recorded a video recently providing simple tips on sharing content on LinkedIn. and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, shares a little of what Angela teaches us and encourages you to check out her video and then go ahead and log onto LinkedIn and share your content!

Find Angela’s video here: Simple Tips for Sharing Content on LinkedIn

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From the video...


So if you’re a little unsure of yourself when it comes to getting videos out into social media, especially with something like Linkedin, I want to — and I’ll include a link in this video — I want you to watch a video by Angela Dunz. And she did a video on just exactly that — people that are a little awkward, not sure that, you know, they’re doing the right thing, what kind of content is involved.

And the reason why I bring this up, and frankly this is probably the first time I’ve ever featured another member’s video in one of my videos, is because it was an absolute home run because she talks about things like why are you creating a video in the first place and speaking to your audience in such a way as to what they want to hear and what makes it possible for them to pay attention to you to learn to like and trust you rather than having, feeling like you’re selling something to them because we all hate to be sold. We love to buy, we love to find solutions to our problems, but we hate to be sold or convinced to do something that we think initially that we may not want to.

So the purposes of our videos are to educate, are to inform, are to take complex subjects and to make them easy and simple to understand and to take action against.

So do check out Angela’s video, a link will be in the description below. And one little… one more little point that really grabbed me with this is don’t forget to be a little bit entertaining. In other words, make it something that’s enjoyable to watch. Not just another sales pitch.

Again, Mark, with and . And if you found this valuable, I encourage you to look at many other such videos on Have a great day.