and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, provides some tips on how to grab your audience’s attention when creating a video blog series.

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Hi, Mark Bullock with and . This is a bit of an advanced tip for those of you that do series of videos. In other words, you’ve got a topic or a series that you’ve done — you’re creating a playlist on YouTube, etc . But how can you have your video be a part of a series and also stand on its own so that you can send it out on social media by itself, and people realize that there’s a… that this is within a context, but it stands on its own.

And basically it comes back to what’s the hook, right? So when we’re doing a series sometimes, or we’re thinking about a video is going to go out there by itself, well, we need to introduce ourselves and we need to kind of reiterate all of the components or the basic theme behind the series. And although you can do that to some extent, I don’t suggest you open with it. Why?

Because if it’s going to stand alone, you’ve got to assume that the person watching it has never seen another video from you. And who wants to sit and watch somebody introduce themselves and explain the context of the video etc., etc. Right?

Put yourself in your audience shoes — you still need to think about a hook, right? It’s kind of a… I don’t like the term, but the fact of the matter is how are you going to grab their attention? Well, you grab their attention with a bold statement or with a compelling question and then follow that up with a little bit about the context, right?

So whatever topic it is that you’re coming in on, think of that you’re presenting on? Think of that topic and what’s the most compelling part of it? What is the problem that is trying to solve? What is the issue that you’re trying to help somebody get past or find a solution for?

So think in terms of each video in a series, as not only components of that series, but if you’re going to send them out there and have them stand on their own, then they still need a hook. They do need to have context but the context needs to be in the body rather than in the introduction. And then don’t forget at the end, to close with, ‘This is part of a series. You can find the rest of my series at X, Y and Z.’

Hope you found that valuable. Again, Mark with and . And if you did find it valuable, you’ll find many more such videos at our website (correction) , which is where our blog is. Have a Great one.