Some of our longtime members spoke up after Mark cited the top three reasons they’ve been sticking with Videosocials for so long (see 3 Reasons Members Stay Members (of Videosocials)). They say there are actually FOUR reasons. The fourth is our Brander application. Brander not only optimizes your video with a title and end screen, but it also makes it easy to organize and post your videos to YouTube and social media with one click. There are many other features Brander offers to get the most out of your video like adding captions and automatic website posting. Do you need a tutorial on Brander? Schedule one today with Mark and see for yourself.

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From the video...


So why do people keep coming back to Videosocials, in some cases as long as two years? That’s a lot of videos.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m Co-Founder of and .

And I had recorded, I think last week on the three primary reasons that I saw… that I was getting feedback from our members that were staying in for a long time and what those values were and why they kept coming back. The first was accountability. In other words, it’s on the calendar. It’s on the schedule. They’ve got people waiting for them to show up. The second was that your… you get it done and you’ve got, you know, the social and you get it done in a social atmosphere. You get to be friends with the other people in your group. And the third, I’m having a hard time remembering at the moment, but we’ll come back to that.

But the fourth, and the reason for this video is kind of a follow up to that was I recorded it during the session and then, you know, I was told ‘Mark, you missed one of the main points’ by people who have been with us for two years or almost two years. And that is Brander.

So what is Brander? Brander is our entire back end and this is the place where we take your video and we process it, get it optimized to go onto Youtube. We add a title across the top of the screen for you. We add end screen information that stays on screen for like 10 seconds at the end, so you put your contact information or tie-ins to your call to action etc. etc. But that’s just the beginning because then we allow you to get that video out with a click.

So it’s literally a one click to get it onto Youtube, to get it onto Linkedin, to get it onto Facebook and additional options as well. You can also, of course, download it and put it into your website, etc .

And we’re now rolling out the ability for you to you use our tools to actually get it on your website again with a one-click option. Additionally, there’s other features that you can take advantage of either through points or small amounts of additional money. You can get captions added to your videos. Most of the people that are watching videos on social media are watching with the sound turned off. I’ve done a couple of other videos about that. But that really raises the bar as far as the need to have captions, as an example.

But anyway, the Brander gives you a single place to go with all of your videos organized, it allows you to create notes about them and and put them out there in whatever social media context that you want, or even to upload videos that you shot through other means into our system to add all of the features that I just talked about as far as titling, end screen and one-click posting. I hope you found that valuable.

Again, Mark with, . You have a great day.