and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, explains three basic reasons why long-term members stick with Videosocials members instead of recording videos on their own.

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You know, a lot of people come to Videosocials because they’re trying to get comfortable on camera — they’re trying to figure out how to do this, and how to make video blogs, how to structure things, how to basically get comfortable on camera producing videos.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with and

But the question that I have for you today is why do people stick around for months and now we’re only two years old, we’ve literally had people from the start that are still with us, still doing this. Well, gee if they’re coming every week, that’s a lot of videos, that’s a lot of practice. That’s a lot of experience. Why did they need us? You can have a webcam and almost any computer now will record a video. Upload it to Youtube yourself. So I’ve been asking this question one way or the other of our long-term members, and the answers might be a little bit surprising. There’s three basic areas.

The first is because it’s on the schedule. In other words, they’re busy professionals. If it’s not on the schedule and they don’t have some sort of accountability to show up to think about a topic to get it done. It’s probably not going to get done, at least not consistently.

The second is the social, right? So it’s Videosocials . We become friends. We get to know each other. We get to learn about each other’s businesses. We, as time goes by, we start doing business with each other. We start passing along leads and opportunities. And as well as just other great business ideas and etc. that we can share with each other and we get to know each other and we look forward to seeing each other every week.

And the third is the feedback that they get and the ideas that come from that. Well, how does that work if you’ve done this dozens and dozens of times? Well, I’ve seen people come in and they’ve done a fine job. They’ve been doing this for a while. They record a video and they did a fine job and it’s totally postable. And then somebody says, you know, if you switch this around or if you use this thing that you said at the end towards the beginning and they go, ‘oh that would make it so much better.’ In other words, they get a chance to take it to the next level. Whether they recorded in that session, whether they come back, you know, for an additional session that week, wait ’till the following week or record it on their own, which quite a few people actually do that are Videosocials members.

They get the social aspects. They get the schedule accountability. They get the feedback from others in a package that keeps them coming back and keeps them wanting more and taking their videos to the next level because no matter how good you are, and we’ve literally had people who are trained journalists and trained to be on camera that are members.

Why do they keep coming back? For all the reasons that I just expressed. Because they get it done and they keep taking it to the next level and they keep connecting that much more with their audience.

Hope you found that valuable. If you did, please have a look at and that’s where our blog is and you will find many videos with similar tips to this one. Hope you have a great day. Again, Mark with,