and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, explains why he never practices before recording his videos and why you should try that method as well.

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So, do you practice before trying to record on Videosocials?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, the co -founder of Videosocials, and I don’t practice except in the meeting, and what am I talking about?

Well, we can spend lots of time and if you’ve got a very technical kind of presentation that you need to give, it’s probably a good idea to write down what you want to say, the points that you want to get across. Maybe get a couple of post -it notes with those two or three bullet points, you know, right up there next to the camera. But should you, like run through it over and over again? That’s kind of up to you.

And I’ve seen people that have done it completely off the cuff and I’ve seen people that have literally read from the script. And what it comes back to is your energy.

So, if you’re sitting there looking at: ”I’ve got to practice this and I’ve got to get every word right and I’ve got to get everything structured just so. And I gotta have my call -to -action all packaged up nicely at the end.” as you’re presenting, you’re probably going to flub up a little bit. You’re probably going to get stuck, or you’re gonna lose your place. And what I find for myself is — then that shuts me down, that has me… that derails me.

And so, what I’ve gotten in the practice of, which is I learned frankly from Toastmasters through a program that they call Table Topics, in which somebody asks you a question, and then you’ve got to give a two -minute presentation off of that question just extemporaneously. Terrifying — and the most wonderful practice in the world.

And so, what I learned from that, and what I practice now is I don’t practice. Matter of fact, most of the time, I don’t even know what I’m going to be talking about when I join the meeting. So, I can have a conversation with you, and we can connect, and the energy that I’m feeling or that I’m portraying comes across. And you know that I’m speaking to you, rather than reading you something that I’ve written as a script or trying to get across a particular point just so, in just so many words.

Don’t worry about if I get stuck a little bit or I have to look away to think, because that’s not — that’s what we do when we’re having a conversation, we’re sitting across the desk from someone.

So, I hope you’ll take it upon yourself to practice in your Video socials meeting rather than worrying so much about getting all the content and the structure figured out ahead of time and let us use this practice. Come into the meeting, thinking that you’re going to practice, and then that can help alleviate or release a little bit of that energy that we build up — that nervous energy, which comes across on screen, frankly — and lets us have a conversation with our audience and lets people connect with who we are and how we think.

I hope you found that valuable.

Again, Mark with — Have a great day.