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“Call or email me” is a common call to action on marketing content but that’s a big ask of someone who doesn’t know you at all. and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, provides some tips on putting out smaller calls to action that can help develop a relationship that will lead to that trust, and therefore lead to that call or email down the road.

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Do you guide your prospects down a path to meet with you, to call you, to have a conversation with you? Or do you expect them to take a dive off the high dive into the pool?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with and Asking somebody to take a giant leap may not be your best approach. So what am I talking about?

I’m talking about if you create content, it doesn’t matter if it’s text, if it’s audio, if it’s video, whatever it is, and your call to action at the end is ‘call me’ or ’email me’ right, there’s nothing wrong with that except for you’re literally asking them to take the dive. It’s a big step. It’s a big jump to come to you directly.

You represent, even though you may not actually, but you represent to someone who doesn’t know you that well yet, they haven’t gotten to know, like, and trust you yet. They may be really encouraged by, they may be impressed with whatever content that you, they just were exposed to by you.

But it’s a risk psychologically and subconsciously to actually contact you because guess what? We don’t want to be sold something. You may love to buy. We may love to get solutions. We may even love spending money, but we don’t want to be sold something.

So that being said, perhaps rather than only giving them the option to call you or to send you an email to have a conversation, which is again subconsciously high risk for them, what can you do instead? And I suggest that you make some baby steps, some small steps along the way.

So what might that look like? That might look like ‘I have a related article or video or audio and here’s the address of that particular piece that ties in and we help them take that next step. I’ve got a social media presence. You can find me on Facebook at such and such a hashtag. You can find me on Linkedin at such and such or do a search here, etcetera.’

Be specific and take them to one place rather than, ‘Oh, you know, look for me on social media.’ Lots of people don’t really know how to do that, right. Or you’re asking them to have to process and think through. Give them a specific place to go or a specific thing to do. ‘Look for me on YouTube. I’m X, Y Z.’ Right? And then they’ve got an opportunity to take a step towards you, to consume more of your content, get to know you a little bit better so that they can then, when the time is right and they don’t feel threatened by it, they can pick up the phone or they an email you, they can contact you directly.

I hope you found that valuable. Again, Mark with and .

And your next step, if you found this interesting, is , which has all of our blog posts that we’ve done over the last couple of years with Videosocials . I think you may find that valuable as well. Take care.