and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, provides some tips on how to come up with topics to record videos on.

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So, maybe you might want to do a blog in here, whether it be video or text, and you’re wondering: ”Where am I going to come up with ideas?” So, I want to give you a few ideas of how to come up with blog ideas.

So, the first place is your website and your clients. So, what questions do they ask you? So, if you have a single line or two to answer the question, well, that’s not really a blog post, that’s a Frequently Asked Question answer. But, if you can expand on that idea to 3-500 words in text or 2-3 minutes on video, well, that’s a blog post.

Second place to look is Blog It’s a free service that we provide to our clients, and basically anybody that knows the address. So, check it out. It’s Blog, and it’s going to give you some concepts and some ideas about thinking about stories, about what’s happening in your life, what’s happening in your business, etc., which are all good.

But really, I think the best place is to come to Videosocials and — as a guest — and present. And why is that? Well, you get feedback whenever you’re presenting on Video socials from your other members, and there’s often a conversation around whatever it is that you presented that — you think about it — almost always leads to additional topics or additional ideas for other blog posts. So, in other words, you’re leaning on a community to be able to give you what you may not be able to see for yourself, which is ”Gee, I never really thought about that. I never realized that that might be a question that someone has that I’ve never been asked before,” as an example.

So, those are the three areas that I want you to focus on first: You’re Frequently Asked Questions, what questions are your clients and your prospects asking you? Answer them. It’s a perfect blog post, in most cases. Secondly, blog And thirdly, come to Videosocials, check it out as a guest. There’s no cost to check it out as a guest. You don’t even have to present if you don’t want to, although it’s going to be difficult for us to give you feedback and suggestions if you don’t.

So, please come. It’s a lot easier to be on camera than you think. It really just is a matter of practice.

Again, Mark — and phone — Have a great day.

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