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From the video...

Had to take a break from Videosocials for a few weeks? A few months? It happens. Life happens. But, please come back! COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, came back from a month-long break and knows firsthand how somewhat awkward and intimidating it is. If you are still wanting to do your videos and you’re missing the camaraderie, then please come back. You are missed!!


So in a recent video that I just did I expressed or talked about my experience with COVID. And really, I wanted to do kind of a follow-up to that in that the biggest side effect of COVID for me was missing Videosocials for over a month.

We started this two years ago, and I’ve been 10, 12 meetings a week for two years. I really found myself going through withdraw from seeing all you guys, so it gave me a little bit different experience because we have a lot of people that, you know, life happens, stuff comes up, we get busy, etcetera, etcetera. We miss a week then we missed two then we missed three. Before you know it it’s a month or two that we’ve been on break or on pause from Videosocials and it may feel a little bit awkward coming back.

And I definitely felt — well, first of all, I’m not 100% better yet, but I definitely felt a little awkward coming back and a little bit, you know, like, you know, people are going to want me to explain what happened and what was going on.

But the thing that I wasn’t realizing is that Videosocials is you guys — it’s people. It’s people that I’m friends with. It’s people that I learned from every time that I go — every time I go to a meeting. It’s people that I get to watch improve themselves and get better and more authentic and more real in front of the camera. And I just… I missed it. I really did, and I encourage you, if you’ve taken a break, that’s fine. It’s okay. Come on back because, you know, yeah, the group’s probably changed a little bit. Somebody’s left, somebody else has … somebody new’s come in. That’s fine.

It’s… the fact of the matter is, is that we’re all doing the same thing. We’re all trying to get better. We’re all trying to do whatever we’re trying to accomplish with our video blog posts, usually having to do with marketing but it may be education or training as well. Whatever it is, it is a personal development kind of program. So… and it only happens when you show up. So come on back. We’d love to have you and you’re missed.

Again, Mark with and Have a great day.