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In this video, learn how Videosocials helps our COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, cope in stressful times.


Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with and and before Sara said ‘Go,’ I had no idea what I was going to talk about. So I’m just going to talk about what’s on my mind right now, because every once in a while you need to do a blog post that is just what’s happening for you — what’s going on in your life.

This is information, after all that goes to your audience — to people that know, like, and trust you. And I’m not talking about necessarily the ones that you want to put out there on social media to grab attention to people that you don’t know, but to actually feed your audience a little bit about you and what’s going on and what’s up for you.

So what’s up for me is my youngest son, who lives with us, is tested positive for Covid , and he is not doing too well. He’s not… it doesn’t appear to be life threatening at this point, but it’s a very bad flu. This is a compounded issue by the fact that there’s five of us living in the house, including my daughter, my wife, myself, and my 80-year-old mother, who has not gotten the vaccination yet. We know the vaccination program is a little behind so it’s a stressful time in our lives right now, but we’re on here making videos on Videosocials . And I have to take inspiration from other members.

So on the day that the capital was stormed, as an example, we had a couple of meetings that afternoon… and people got on and kind of got over their anger and wiped away their tears and shot their videos. And that was inspiring to me.

So from that perspective, it’s like, Yeah, what’s up right now is pretty heavy in my life, but I take inspiration, I take enjoyment, I take camaraderie from participating in Videosocials , not just as a co-founder , but as an actual member. And I encourage you to do the same, whether or not you’ve got a topic in mind, whether or not you’re fully prepared, come on, give a talk, make a recording. The worst you can do is decide to delete it later, right? So nothing wrong with taking a practice and participating with your group and engaging even if things aren’t going real well.

All right, guys. Again, Mark, and Have a great day.