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It is easy to feel down and unmotivated in today’s world. and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, urges you to come to your Videosocials club regardless of how down you feel, or perhaps, because of how down you feel. The Videosocials community has proven to be a saving grace.


So we’re in the middle of January of 2021. And that in and of itself, should say a lot.

Hi, I’m Mark with and And the purpose of this video is just to kind of let you know how I’m feeling about you guys.

So this has been… 2020 has been horrendous. Let’s face it. And the beginning of 2021 hasn’t been a whole lot better, has it?

So, if you’re feeling distraught, if you’re feeling miserable, if you’ve lost friends and family to Covid as I have and many of us have, if you’ve stood horrifyingly by the side wondering what it is you can do about the capital being stormed — just incredible events that have been happening. And I just wanted to let you know it impacts me and each of us the same way. We are thrown off our… thrown back on our heels a bit. We are struggling with what’s the next step.

You know, what can we do to help? What can we do to get ourselves out of the morass that we might feel that we’re getting sunk into? And this may sound a bit self -serving, but my suggestion is come to a Videosocials meeting.

Videosocials is a social environment. You are either now friends with each other or becoming friends with each other. But this is a lot of business people that are trying to make a difference in the world in some way, shape or form. This is a group of individuals, as you know, if you participated for a while that want to provide valuable information to their audience, to those that they serve or that they could potentially serve in the future. But in addition to that, we get to inspire each other by our actions.

So on the day the capital was stormed, we had a couple of meetings in that afternoon, and although they weren’t fully attended, they weren’t full rooms , people were drying their tears and getting on and doing their videos and talking about what was up for us and what we were feeling at the time. We never created Videosocials to be a support group, but that’s in many ways what it can be.

The thing is is that we can all get through this. Those of us who have survived, we can all get through this together and really only together. So don’t stand alone by yourself. You know, ‘I can’t go to Videosocials today because I’m just not feeling up to recording a video.’ Come to the meeting, and if you can pull off… if you can gather inspiration from others and record something, wonderful. If you don’t want to record something, that’s okay too. But we want to see you, and we want to know how you’re doing, and we want to be there to support you. So give us that opportunity. Show up.

And that’s basically all I have to say. Again, Mark,, . You’re appreciated and thank you.